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Springer Nature в Кыргызстане
Библиотека АУЦА сообщает, что с 10 февраля по 9 марта 2025 года издательство Springer Nature предоставляет тестовый доступ на журналы и статьи для вузов Кыргызстана.
Scholarly Communication Week 2025
From January 13 to 17, 2025, the AUCA Library organized a series of webinars as part of the event “Scholarly Communication Week: Research Publications in the Digital Age.” The event aimed to strengthen the capacity of Kyrgyzstan's universities in academic publishing and promote research activities.
AUCA Library Team at IFLA/ILDS Conference
On December 2 – 4, 2024, AUCA Library Director Jyldyz Bekbalaeva and Reference Specialist Madina Kerimova attended the 18th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference hosted by ADA University in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan. 
Digital tools for humanities workshop at AUCA
On Tuesday, November 26, AUCA hosted a “Text Analysis Methods and Tools” workshop for teachers and researchers from local universities in Kyrgyzstan. This was the first of three planned workshops within the broader project titled  “Digital Tools and Methods in the Humanities”, supported by the AUCA Presidential Research and Education Fund (PREF).
“Publishing Internationally: opportunities with Springer Nature”
“Accessing Springer Nature digital libraries”
The webinar will cover important aspects of the publication landscape, including proceedings, journals, and books. Speakers will also provide practical tips on selecting the right publication venue. The session will also explore the resources offered by Springer Nature and how to access them effectively. Additionally, there will be a discussion on predatory publishers and strategies to avoid becoming their victim.
Презентация книги в библиотеке АУЦА
В библиотеке АУЦА при поддержке Центра гражданской активности прошла презентация книги «Основы финансовых и инвестиционных расчётов», которую представил один из её авторов, профессор АУЦА Сыргак Капарович Кыдыралиев.
Kyrgyzpatent Visits AUCA
On October 18, at the invitation of the LIbrary, representatives from the State Agency for Intellectual Property and Innovations of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent) delivered a training session for AUCA students. 
“Creating Researcher Profile in Various Databases” webinar for partner universities
On September 27, 2024, the AUCA Library hosted a webinar titled "Creating a Researcher Profile in Various Databases," which attracted over 35 participants from major regional universities in Kyrgyzstan. AUCA Library Director Jyldyz Bekbalaeva provided an overview of key tools for creating and managing author profiles in Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, and Web of Science. She also shared strategies for improving the visibility of research publications.
Celebration of the National Language Day of the Kyrgyz Republic in AUCA
On September 24, 2024, AUCA Library in collaboration with the General Education program celebrated the National Language Day of the Kyrgyz Republic.
National language day of the Kyrgyz Republic